Improvement of energy efficiency of apartment buildings

Co-financing of projects aimed at roof insulation, attic, wall, and basement insulation, replacement of windows and doors, renovation of heating systems and hot water supply systems

Program is closed



0€ – 0€

Funding type


Cofunding details

  • Grant: Up to 50%
  • 127,00 € for 1 square meter of the total sq footage of the building
  • The building must have at least 5 apartment units. Each owner must own no more than 20% of the total number of units. Co-financing amount depends on the level of the energy savings achieved after renovation
  • Program is open

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Briefly about the company

A company has grown from own projects: renovation of buildings and replacement of the equipment, development of new products, introduction in manufacture of new technologies. We have checked everything by ourselves: from writing projects to implementing them and drawing up a final report for co-financing from EU funds. A company has received a practical experience, which now is ready to share with customers.

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